Resource Library

Discover expert insights and best practices for Clinical Trial Management and learn how Cloudbyz can help you succeed


What is Clinical Data Management?

Clinical Data Management (CDM) refers to the process of collecting, cleaning, organizing, and managing data generated during clinical trials. The primary goal of CDM is to ensure that the data...

A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Data Export in SDTM Format from EDC

In the world of clinical research, Electronic Data Capture (EDC) systems play a pivotal role in efficiently collecting, managing, and analyzing clinical trial data. Once the data is captured...

A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Trial Database Lock Checklists

In the realm of clinical research, database lock is a critical milestone that signifies the completion of data collection and marks the point where no further changes can be made to the study...

Clinical Trial Database Lock Best Practices: Ensuring Data Integrity and Quality

The database lock is a critical milestone in the lifecycle of a clinical trial. It signifies the completion of data collection and the point at which no further changes can be made to the study...

Mastering 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinical Trials in the Digital Age

21 CFR Part 11 is a crucial component of regulatory compliance in clinical trials and, more broadly, any industry subject to the regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Its...

Unlocking Stratified Randomization: A Comprehensive Guide for Phase III Clinical Trials

Stratified randomization is a method used in clinical trials to ensure a balanced representation of participant subgroups, or strata, across all treatment arms. This method is particularly useful...

Electronic Patient Reported Outcome (ePRO) Implementation Best Practices

Implementing Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome (ePRO) tools in healthcare can offer a valuable means of capturing patient experiences, symptoms, and outcomes in real time, providing significant...

Enhancing Data Integrity in Clinical Trials: Key Strategies

Clinical trials play a critical role in medicine and healthcare, offering valuable insights that inform treatment options, drug development, and patient care. As such, the integrity of data...

Clinical Study Reports: Your Ultimate Guide to Creating High-Quality CSRs

A clinical study report (CSR) is a detailed document that provides a comprehensive description of the methods, conduct, and results of a clinical trial. A well-written CSR is crucial for...

Optimizing Clinical Trial Management: The Role of Site Monitoring Metrics and KPIs


Clinical site monitoring metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are fundamental tools in the realm of clinical trial management. They provide a way to quantify and evaluate...

Cloudbyz eTMF on Salesforce: Meeting and Exceeding eTMF Capability Requirements

Cloudbyz eTMF is a comprehensive Electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) solution built on the Salesforce platform. It is designed to streamline clinical trial document management, enhance...