Verily’s Project Baseline is Modernizing Clinical Trials

Pooja Sood

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Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet inc. and the sister company of Google Inc. has initiated Project Baseline, with the aim to leverage the collaboration of clinical research and clinical care providers to develop proactive healthcare tools and services.

Verily is partnered with Pfizer,  Sanofi,  Novartis and Otsuka to explore the opportunities in cardiovascular disease, oncology, mental health, dermatology, and diabetes.

Promising large real-world dataset for Clinical trials

The project is enrolling 10,000 patients that are followed for 4 years tracking the transition of ailments through wearables. With a large volume of Patient data, the firm is able to predict the diseases of the future, provide personalized treatment.

Collection of real-time data including the patient reported outcomes from the inception of disease through all the changing health conditions is providing a baseline. The baseline is used for the creation of predictive models for conducting clinical trials.

Partners with various Universities, government agencies, and healthcare organizations help the firm to come up with trials using every bit of a patient’s medical data.  Using the health data the company conducts research and publishes it for all the patient population ensuring the removal of personally identifiable content.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is followed by Project baseline. They maintain high privacy standards to keep data secure and private. Patients can access their respective medical data alone, on the need basis.

Verily is using Google ads to find patients. Any person over the age of 18 years from the US can enrol and are given the option to share Medical data. The data is saved and encrypted with restricted access to researchers to help design clinical trials and develop health tools.

Clinical trials pertaining to the Patient’s therapeutic condition are identified and notified for participation. The company assists with the enrollment and eligibility criteria.

Project Baseline from Verily, can become a state-of-art platform to leverage Big Data and develop various tools for Healthcare in the future.

Further queries or thoughts please comment or feel free to contact:

Mythri Raghunandan

Clinical Research Specialist

Cloudbyz Inc.

