The State of Digital Transformation: Over Confident and Under Invested?

Pooja Sood

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recent report from Fujitsu and subsequent post from Derek du Preez at Diginomica are must reading for every CIO and IT leader.  The sobering report indicates that IT and business leaders agree that digital transformation is critical for top line success and creating value for customers.  Yet most organizations lack a clear strategy for reaching their digitalization goals, are unable to prioritize projects, and are actually slowing investment at a time when it should be increasing.  The following quotes from the report highlight this disconnect:


“Business leaders agree that digital transformation is critical to their future success.”

“However, a survey conducted in Europe and published by Fujitsu reveals that most companies lack a clear strategy for reaching this goal – and the majority still see the whole digitalization process as a gamble.”

“Today, only a third of organizations are aligned behind the same digital priorities, while half admit to some conflict and one in 10 report openly competing agendas. Meanwhile, two in five admit that their current digital strategy is unclear and confused.  Given the uncertainty on the road ahead, it seems some organizations are slamming the brakes on digitalization. One in six report no appetite to accelerate digital adoption, a third believe their organizations already invest too much time and money in digital projects, and one in four identify a lack of board level commitment to digital initiatives as a major barrier to completing projects successfully.”

The causes of the problem run deep:


  • No single business area responsible for the digitalization.
  • Lack of time and both financial and human resources.
  • Inability to prioritize projects.
  • Investment in the “wrong things”, propping up yesterday’s applications, infrastructure, and technologies, rather than focusing on the “right things”, the forward-thinking application of digitalization strategies.
  • Inability to predict outcomes.
  • Lack of alignment between digital goals and business goals.

At Cloudbyz and QuePro we strongly believe that the root of the challenge is information; organizations simply lack the real-time information on their applications and IT landscape that is essential to driving digital transformation.   Current tools and technologies used to manage the IT landscape are inadequate: too many siloed tools fail to provide transparency and visibility in timely manner impacting executive decision-making.  Resource management tools Lack of social collaboration across geographically located teams impacting successful delivery of projects on time. No real-time visibility on IT investments, programs and IT operations and no end-to-end integrated view across IT.

But there is one tool set that is up to the task of bridging the bimodal divide:  Cloudbyz ITPM, the only fully integrated Project Portfolio, Application Lifecycle, and Application Portfolio Management (Plan, Build, Run) tooling in the market.  Replacing expensive, wasteful, and incomplete “point tools” that dominate the projects world today, ITPM uniquely provides real-time, 360˚ view of the entire Project Portfolio throughout the projects lifecycle.  ITPM combines native Salesforce1 capabilities – fully mobile, cloud hosted, powerful collaboration tools, integration of multiple data sources – with our in-depth knowledge of PPM best practices.  ITPM enables:

  • Alignment to business strategies, initiatives and goals
  • Integrated data-driven decision making
  • More rapid innovation, faster time to market
  • High ROI, low TCO – enhanced productivity
  • Improved communication within and between geographies
  • Balanced portfolio & prioritized investment
  • Informed and effective management of projects, portfolios, and investments

ITPM’s powerful APM capabilities provide comprehensive visibility and knowledge of application portfolio including Cost, Value, Risk, Quality and the ability to identify and analyze application portfolio optimization and rationalization opportunities via business and technical data-driven decisions aligned to business priorities and enterprise policies. Our powerful capabilities provide the ability to manage ongoing governance through business events such as M&A, divestiture, IT strategy change, sourcing strategy change.

Organizations are losing their way on the digital transformation road. ITPM provides the map.

QuePro Advisors can introduce your organization to the power of Cloudbyz ITPM. Contact us for additional information or to arrange a demo and check out Our Thinking.

This was a guest article written by Tim Janisch.