Cloudbyz’s Positive Step Towards Green Earth

Pooja Sood

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World environment day was celebrated by Cloudbyz at the SeedBall Creation drive organized by Saytrees on Sunday, 9th June 2019.

Our employees aka Nature lovers took time out of their weekend and gathered to support a cause, “SeedBall creation Drive” an easy and sustainable way of increasing the green cover.

One lakh seed balls were made by hundreds of enthusiasts in four hours to be dropped into forests as a positive step to restore the lost ecosystem. Seed balls are made using clay and manure mixture bound to a seed, locally available seeds like Banyan, Neem, and Peepal to name a few.

Seed ball bombing is an Aerial deforestation method used to create a green path in environments where the regular plantation of saplings is not possible. The seeds are bombed through drones into the sloppy and hilly regions covering large areas quickly.

Cloudbyz is bound to help social and global communities through the Pledge 1% global movement to give back to society and bring a positive impact through Philanthropic activities.

Plant a tree and plant hope for future