
Case Study: US based CRO partners with Cloudbyz to move their clinical trial operations to cloud

Written by Tunir Das | Sep 5, 2024 8:13:08 PM

Customer Overview

The customer is a trial management organization connecting IVD manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies with a network of doctors participating in advancing medical research.  It provides sample procurement, conduct testing, and simplify the clinical trial process for clients. 


The customer faced significant challenges with outdated legacy systems that lacked the necessary integration capabilities, making clinical trial oversight and data management cumbersome and inefficient. These systems were fragmented, which resulted in time-consuming workflows, manual processes, and error-prone data entry. This, in turn, created delays in capturing and processing trial data, increasing the likelihood of data discrepancies and the need for rework. Additionally, the complexity of managing multiple trials without a unified solution made it difficult to maintain data integrity, ensure compliance, and track real-time trial progress. The customer's overarching objective was to streamline all clinical trial operations, enhance efficiency, reduce time to completion, and lower operational costs. Given the growing demand for real-time data and regulatory compliance, the customer recognized the urgent need for a more comprehensive, integrated solution that could automate and centralize their clinical trial processes.


To overcome these challenges, the customer selected Cloudbyz to streamline operations, improve data collection, and enable faster decision-making. With Cloudbyz, users could efficiently create template-based eCRFs, providing flexibility to configure forms tailored to specific study requirements. The solution integrated essential functionalities, including sample tracking, shipment management, barcode generation, and QuickBooks integration, which further enhanced the overall trial management process. Cloudbyz also leveraged advanced EDC capabilities such as Subject Number Generator, eCRFs, eConsent with eSignature, Sample Collection Manifest, Source Data Review, Reports and Dashboards, and Auto Payment Accruals. These features collectively ensured a comprehensive and automated approach to managing clinical trials, from patient data entry to budget tracking. Cloudbyz’s all-in-one platform enabled the customer to consolidate various aspects of trial operations into a unified system, making it easier to handle the complexity of multiple, large-scale clinical trials.


By implementing Cloudbyz, the customer gained access to tools that optimized the management of configurable forms, including query management and Source Data Verification (SDV), significantly improving the efficiency of data collection and validation. The template-based budget approach, combined with a comprehensive financial view, provided enhanced insights for C-suite stakeholders, improving financial oversight and decision-making at the executive level. Cloudbyz’s centralized data management system, bolstered by secure data-sharing capabilities, fostered better collaboration among trial stakeholders, enhancing process efficiency and reducing turnaround times. This streamlined approach enabled the customer to run trials more effectively while maintaining high data integrity and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Ultimately, the implementation of Cloudbyz led to improved resource utilization, reduced trial costs, and faster, more informed decision-making across all clinical trial operations, contributing to a more patient-centric trial process.