
Challenges in paper based data collection in clinical trials

Written by Dinesh | Apr 5, 2023 7:50:00 AM

Clinical trials are an essential part of medical research that involves testing new drugs, treatments, and medical devices. The data collected during these trials are crucial for ensuring patient safety and evaluating the efficacy of new treatments. However, the traditional method of paper-based data collection poses several challenges that can impact the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. In this blog, we will discuss the challenges in paper-based data collection in clinical trials.

Challenges in Paper-Based Data Collection

  1. Human Error

Paper-based data collection is a manual process that relies heavily on human input. This leaves room for errors, such as illegible handwriting, incorrect data entry, and missing data, which can lead to inaccurate data collection.

  1. Data Quality Issues

Paper-based data collection can result in inconsistent data quality, including missing data, incomplete data, or inconsistent formatting. This can make data analysis difficult and can compromise the reliability of the results.

  1. Time-consuming

Paper-based data collection is a time-consuming process, requiring considerable effort in terms of data entry, data management, and data analysis. This can delay the progress of clinical trials, and in some cases, even result in missed deadlines.

  1. Limited Accessibility

Paper-based data collection can also limit accessibility, making it difficult to share data across different sites or between different teams. This can hinder collaboration, slow down the research process, and impact the accuracy of the data collected.

  1. Storage and Security Issues

Paper-based data collection also poses storage and security challenges, including the need for physical storage space and the risk of data loss or damage due to theft, fire, or natural disasters. It can also be difficult to maintain data security and ensure that confidential patient information is protected.

Solution to these challenges

The solution to these challenges lies in the adoption of electronic data capture (EDC) systems, which are specifically designed to automate the data collection process in clinical trials. EDC systems are a web-based platform that enables researchers to enter, manage and analyze clinical trial data electronically. This approach can provide several benefits over traditional paper-based data collection, including:

  1. Improved Data Quality

EDC systems can help improve the quality of the data collected by providing real-time data validation, preventing missing data, and reducing errors in data entry.

  1. Time-Saving

EDC systems can save time in the data collection process, as data can be entered electronically, reducing the time spent on data entry, management, and analysis.

  1. Increased Accessibility

EDC systems make it easier to share data across different sites and teams, enabling real-time collaboration and faster data analysis.

  1. Enhanced Data Security

EDC systems offer better data security and protection than paper-based data collection methods, with access control, encryption, and backup measures in place to ensure data privacy and integrity.


In conclusion, paper-based data collection poses several challenges that can impact the accuracy and reliability of the data collected in clinical trials. The adoption of electronic data capture (EDC) systems can help address these challenges by improving data quality, saving time, increasing accessibility, and enhancing data security. As clinical trials continue to grow in complexity, it is essential to embrace digital solutions to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data collected, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Cloudbyz EDC is a user-friendly, cloud-based solution that is designed to store and manage clinical data effectively throughout a clinical trial’s life cycle. Our innovative solution enables clinical research teams to efficiently collect, analyze, and manage clinical data of different complexity and size. Cloudbyz EDC is a scalable solution and meets all the essential regulatory compliance requirements such as FDA- 21 CFR Part 11, GCP, GAMP5, HIPAA, and EU- GDPR.

To know more about Cloudbyz EDC Solution contact