
Case Study: Leading UAE based CRO transforms digitizes clinical research with Cloudbyz eClinical

Written by Tunir Das | Sep 5, 2024 8:20:23 PM

Customer Overview

The customer, a leading health-tech company, is on a mission to develop a world-class healthcare sector in the UAE and beyond. It is the first UAE-based CRO specializing in healthcare research, including clinical trials across all therapeutic areas, in addition to the generation and integration of real-world data.


The organization was grappling with inefficient clinical trial operations and poor resource allocation, which significantly hindered the timely completion and management of trials. Their existing systems were cumbersome, leading to delays in internal processes and slowing down collaboration across departments and teams. This lack of internal efficiency made it difficult to adapt to the increasing demands of clinical trials, especially with the growing complexity of data and regulatory requirements. Furthermore, stakeholders were unable to access real-time data, making decision-making slower and less informed. The absence of a reliable resource management tool led to poor resource distribution, resulting in increased costs and underutilization of assets. These factors collectively contributed to delays, increased expenses, and overall inefficiency in the clinical trial process, creating an urgent need for a more integrated, automated, and collaborative solution.


Cloudbyz responded by implementing its full eClinical suite, which included EDC, CTMS, eTMF, and Resource Management systems to streamline and centralize the trial management process. The suite focused on ensuring the secure and efficient management of patient data through the Cloudbyz EDC system, enhancing internal collaboration. With the setup of the Cloudbyz Investigator Portal, the organization now had a centralized source of truth for clinical research data, which eliminated the need for redundant IT systems. The system integrated several key EDC functionalities such as data collection using eCRF, Forms, and ePRO, as well as a robust eCRF, Form, and ePRO Builder. Additional features like Query Management, Query Notifications, Source Data Review, Source Data Verification, Excel and PDF-based exports, and Investigator Portal (for data entry) ensured comprehensive management and tracking of clinical data. These improvements allowed the organization to streamline cumbersome processes and enable faster decision-making through real-time data availability.


Cloudbyz’s EDC system brought significant improvements to the organization’s clinical trial operations by streamlining the data collection and management processes. The EDC platform enabled real-time data access for all stakeholders, ensuring faster, more informed decision-making throughout the trial process. Automated features like query management, real-time notifications, and source data verification improved the accuracy and timeliness of data collection, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing data entry errors. Additionally, Cloudbyz optimized resource allocation by offering advanced tools for data management and reporting, which allowed the organization to better utilize its resources and lower overall costs. The platform’s capability to export CRF data in Excel and PDF formats for seamless reporting ensured compliance with regulatory standards while enhancing document management efficiency. These advancements resulted in improved trial outcomes, with a focus on accuracy, compliance, and operational efficiency. Cloudbyz’s EDC solution not only improved collaboration between stakeholders but also enabled the organization to manage trials more effectively, leading to faster completion times and more successful clinical outcomes.