
Buyer’s Checklist for Selecting the Right eTMF Vendor

Written by Tunir Das | May 27, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Choosing the right Electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) system for your clinical trials is vital. It ensures efficient document management, smooth submissions to regulatory bodies, and keeps your studies inspection-ready. It's essential to select a system that meets your organizational needs, complies with regulatory requirements, and enhances operational efficiency. Here is a detailed buyer’s checklist for your reference. Please use this for evaluating your solution providers and make the correct choice while purchasing your eTMF solution. 

File Management Capabilities

  1. Drag and Drop Uploads: Check if the system supports drag-and-drop functionality during file uploads to simplify the process
  2. Document Favorites and Navigation: The system should allow users to mark documents as favorites and navigate easily through recent and favorite documents using lists
  3. Document Status Indicators: Verify that the system visually indicates the status of documents, including drafts, in-process, and obsolete documents, and displays detailed status information
  4. Thumbnail Views and Unique URLs: The system should provide thumbnail previews of documents and unique URLs for each document and workflow task for easy access
  5. Review & QC Workflow: The system should allow configurable workflows to be set up that route documents for review with the click of a button 

Configuration and Customization

  1. Flexible Study Management: Ensure the system allows the clinical study team to easily set up and manage configurations for products, countries, locations, and study specifics such as control, medicinal indication, study type, and study status
  2. Configurable Folder Structure : The platform should enable users to leverage the latest DIA reference model or use study specific custom reference models. Users should be able to add or remove folders from the built-in models and apply directly to a study as required by a study-specific TMF plan and index

Mobile and Remote Access

  1. Mobile Application Integration: Confirm if the eTMF solution can also be accessed by mobile and other handheld devices

Advanced Document Handling

  1. Document Auto-Naming and Bulk Operations: Check for functionalities like auto-naming of documents and bulk uploading or relationship creation, which can significantly streamline document management
  2. Template-Based Document Creation: The system should allow the creation of content from templates and support inheritance of document properties or content

Compliance and Audit Readiness

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the eTMF system is built from the ground up to comply with 21 CFR Part 11 for electronic signatures and audit trails, and meets other relevant regulatory guidelines such as GDPR, MHRA, and EMA
  2. Audit Trail and Version Control: The system must maintain a robust audit trail, manage document versions effectively, and provide functionalities for comparing document versions

System Usability and Accessibility

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Confirm that the eTMF system has a simple-to-use interface, akin to popular commercial websites, to minimize training and increase user adoption.
  2. Light-Weight External User Access: Ensure there is a streamlined version of the standard interface for external users like investigator site personnel, which requires no custom coding for integration
  3. Chat, Email, and System Notifications: The system should provide relevant alerts to complete tasks, such as document reviews within the system and allow setting of automatic rule-based notifications to ensure timely actions on missing or expiring documents

Integration and Interoperability

  1. CTMS Integration: Determine if the eTMF can be seamlessly integrated with a Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) and other critical systems without complex customizations
  2. Collaborative Authoring: Check if the system supports collaborative authoring with tools like Microsoft Office to allow multiple users to edit documents simultaneously

Reporting and Analytics

  1. Comprehensive Reporting Tools: The eTMF should offer advanced reporting and dashboard capabilities to track document statuses, study progress, and compliance metrics. Assess if these tools are included in the base price or require additional investment

Vendor Support and Services

  1. Training and Support: Evaluate the vendor’s training programs and support services to ensure they adequately cover system features, best practices, and troubleshooting
  2. Document Management Services: Consider if the vendor offers additional services such as document scanning, uploading, and quality control, and understand the associated costs and qualifications

Final Considerations

  1. System Scalability and Future-Proofing: Ensure the eTMF system can scale with your organization’s growth and adapt to future technological advancements and regulatory changes
  2. Vendor Reputation and Reliability: Research the vendor’s track record, customer feedback, and stability in the market to ensure a reliable long-term partnership

This checklist provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating potential eTMF systems, ensuring that the selected solution enhances efficiency, complies with regulatory standards, and integrates smoothly with your existing processes and systems.

Cloudbyz eTMF offers a cloud-based repository of all your clinical trial documents including files, images, information, etc. Digitally capture, manage, share, and store all clinical trial-related documents with a centralized overview. Manage essential trial documents, stay inspection ready, and enable real-time visibility for CROs, sponsors, monitors, and other stakeholders in a clinical trial. Cloudbyz eTMF is a scalable solution and meets all the essential regulatory compliance requirements such as FDA- 21 CFR Part 11, GCP, GAMP5, HIPAA, and EU- GDPR.

To know more about Cloudbyz eTMF Solution contact